Medical Mycology Books

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Why do I spell the word 'mould' like that? 

Believe it or not, there are good etymological reasons.  First, there are three homophone definitions:

      (1) container for making a shape; root 12th century, old French 'modle'.

       (2) soil rich in humus; root old English 'molde'.

       (3) fungi involved in food spoilage and some kinds of decay; root, 15th century English 'moul', to go   mouldy.

Note that the last root is the only one containing a 'u'.   Ergo, the spelling 'mould' clearly and correctly differentiates the fungus from the other two.


Topley & Wilson's Microbiology & Microbial Infections - 10th Edition.

  • Medical Mycology - William G. Merz, Roderick J. hay - Hodder Arnold ASM press

A Colour Atlas and Textbook of the Histopathology of Mycotic Diseases.

  • By Chandler FW, Kaplan W, Ajello L.
    London, England: Wolfe Medical Publications, Ltd., 1980.

Atlas of Clinical Fungi, 2nd Edition

  • By G. S. de Hoog, J. Guarro, J. Gené, M. J. Figueras
    This book is a marvelous compendium of data. Excellent photos and drawings. Highly recommended

Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, 3rd Ed.

  • By Davise Honing Larone
    ISBN: 1555810918
    This book contains many useful line drawings that are helpful in learning to recognize the fungi.

Clinical Mycology

  • Eds. EJ Anaissie, MR McGinnis, MA Pfaller. Churchill Livingstone.
    Elsevier, 2003
    ISBN 0-443-07937-4.

Laboratory Handbook of Dermatophytes:
A Clinical Guide and Laboratory Manual of the Dermatophytes and
Other Filamentous Fungi from Skin, Hair, and Nails.

  • by Julius Kane, Richard Summerbell, Lynne Sigler, Sigmund Krajden, and Geoffrey Land.
    ISBN: 0-89863-157-2
    This book has an unusually good selection of color photos